Free CAP Money Course

How CAP Money works

You don’t need to be good with money to take this course. In fact, it’s designed to be relevant to everyone – whether you’re facing a reduced income or job loss, are self-employed, or simply after a tune-up for your finances. During this three-session course, you’ll identify exactly how you spend your money and learn to prioritise the things that are most important to you. You’ll also learn to live well within your means, while managing or preventing debt, and saving for your future. The course uses a simple, cash-based system that really works. The course is designed to be fun, so why not invite your friends and whānau along too?


What happens during the course?

Each of the three sessions will be facilitated by a trained CAP Money Coach. Here’s a brief outline of the curriculum:

Building a budget using CAP’s online tool You’ll take a good look at where your finances are right now and use this information to start your own balanced, sustainable budget. Our free, online tool makes this process simple and gives you clarity around your budget immediately. Your budget will be personal to you. You don’t need to share it with your coach or other participants at the course.

Putting the CAP Money system into action
You’ll learn to simplify your life by making your budget work day-to-day. We’ll teach you how to operate using three accounts for your money: a regular payments account, a cash account and a savings account.

Identifying your individual goals and/or your family’s priorities 
You’ll learn how to save for the things that really matter to you and/or your family. Having a budget and learning how to spend wisely won’t limit your freedom… it will actually give you greater freedom to do what you love!